A wildcard SSL certificate is a digital certificate that is applied to a domain and all its subdomains. Why is wildcard is important and what is the difference with Standard SSL certificate?
Read more about what is wildcard ssl?
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A wildcard SSL certificate is a digital certificate that is applied to a domain and all its subdomains. Why is wildcard is important and what is the difference with Standard SSL certificate?
Read more about what is wildcard ssl?
NameOcean provides free wildcard Let's Encrypt certificates on it's dashboard automatically. You don't have to worry learning command-line certbot tool. Take a look at our guide to generate SSL Certificates on NameOcean by only few clicks: https://nameocean.net/article/how-create-free-ssl-nameocean/
Read more about how to install let's encrypt ssl certificates on nginx?
It's easy to set up a new DNS zone from scratch in the Nameocean Dashboard. Login your Nameocean account and navigate over to the DNS section of the Nameocean dashboard, write your domain name then click "+ Create New DNS Zone" button.
Read more about how to create a dns zone?
NameOcean provides free ssl certificate, free dns and free health check service for each domain name. A DNS zone is a portion of the DNS namespace that is managed by a specific organization or administrator. A DNS zone is an administrative space which allows for more granular control of DNS components, such as authoritative nameservers. The domain name space is a hierarchical tree, with the DNS root domain at the top. A DNS zone starts at a domain within the tree and can also extend down into subdomains so that multiple subdomains can be managed by one entity.
Read more about free dns, free ssl certificate and free health check service
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We provide free and automated Let's Encrypt SSL Certificates for our users. We use DNS Challenge to verify SSL. So, you need to create and use NameOcean DNS to generate SSL certificates.
Read more about how to create free ssl on nameocean?
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Free DNS, Free SSL Certificate and Free Health Check Service
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